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If you have questions about how this app works, this is your guide.


How does this app work?

Avanos is designed to "lock" your phone so that no one can access your personal data/info on your device. When a person asks to use your phone, they cannot press either the home button nor the back button. When you first open the app, you have to press the home button and check "Use by default for this action." then select Obstructer. This will lock your phone. On subsequent openings, Obstructer will lock itself, unless you force closed the app or restarted your phone. On the end of the call, a password prompt pops up and you enter your password. You can now press the home button and your device will work as usual.


What is the default password?

1234. It is recommended that you change your password before your first use.


How do I change the password?

Tap on the icon in the upper right and enter your current password. Enter your new password and you're all set!


What if I accidentally open the app and it's locked?

Press the call button and the password prompt will open. Enter your password and your phone will unlocked. Sometimes it will open the dialer and say "Invalid" and then will take you to the password prompt in a delay. This is normal.

Could I use this app as a normal dialer?

Of course! If you have trouble with your built in dialer, you can use this one. Be advised that you still need to use it as a guest mode.

Why do I have to press the home button before using Obstructer?

Due to Android's security features, it is forbidden for developers to disable the home button so that the user will always have a way back to the home screen. The home button prompt is a workaround to this problem.


When I press the home button, there is no dialog prompt. What do I do?

You most likely set the stock home launcher as the default. Go to Settings > Apps > All Apps > [default launcher] > Clear Defaults. It will allow Avanos to become the default launcher again.

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